Entry Parsers
During PyBlosxom initialization there a call to the cb_entryparser callback. The cb_entryparser callback returns a dict whose keys are filename extensions and whose entries are functions uses to parse entry files whose extension is the key. This allows the user to use different formatting languages to write weblog posts. PyBlosxom includes entryparsers that can deal with ReStructuredText and Textile formats, as well as Python source code.
The blosxom_entry_parser (the default) parses entry files with extensions of '.txt'. The first line of a file will be the title of the entry, and the rest of the file will be the body of the entry. The body will be substituted directly in to the blosxom templates, and can contain HTML.
Entry parsers also support their own plugin mechanism. There are two callbacks, cb_preformat and cb_postformat that can be called before and after the entry parser has done whatever parsing it does. cb_preformat and cb_postformat must return a dict that contains entries for the 'title' and story keys. The dict can have more entries that just these two. PyBlosxom includes preformatters for allowing wiki words and replacing linebreaks with <br /> or <p>.
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