Thu, 07 Dec 2006

Template Variables

This is the list of variables that are available to your templates. Additionally, plugins that you are using will add additional variables. To get a complete list of what variables are available in your blog, use the debug renderer by changing the renderer property in your file to debug like this:

py["renderer"] = "debug"

That will tell you all kinds of stuff about the data structures involved in the request. Don't forget to change it back when you're done!

URL Encoding and Escaping of Template Variables

PyBlosxom 1.3 allows you to escape and URL encode any variables by adding "_escaped" or "_urlencoded" to the end of the variable name.

For example, title_escaped is an escaped form of the title with ' (single-quote) replaced with ' and " (double-quote) replaced with ".

title_urlencoded is a URL encoded form of the title which uses the Python urllib.

Variables From

These template variables are available to all templates. They come directly from your file.

Template variables from

variable name description example
blog_description the description of the blog blosxom with a touch of python
blog_title the title of the blog RoughingIT - pyblosxom : /weblogs/tools/pyblosxom
blog_language the language of the blog en
blog_encoding the encoding of the blog iso8859-1
blog_author the author of the blog (hopefully you) Joe Dirt
blog_email the email address of the author of the blog (feel free to obfuscate it) joe at joe dot com

Additionally, any other properties you set in are available in your templates. If you wanted to create a blog_images variable holding the base url of the directory with all your images:

Example 4-2. creating your own variables

py["blog_images"] = ""

to your file and it would be available in all your templates.

Calculated Template Variables

These template variables are available to all templates as well. They are calculated based on the request.

Table - Calculated template variables

variable name description example
content_type the content type of this page text/html
root_datadir the root datadir of this page? /home/subtle/blosxom/weblogs/tools/pyblosxom
url the PATH_INFO to this page pyblosxom/weblogs/tools/pyblosxom
flavour the flavour for this page html
latest_date the date of the most recent entry that is going to show Tue, 15 Nov 2005
latest_w3cdate the date of the most recent entry that is going to show in w3cdate format 2005-11-13T17:50:02Z
latest_rfc822date the date of the most recent entry that is going to show in RFC 822 format Sun, 13 Nov 2005 17:50 GMT
pi_yr the four-digit year the user requested 2002
pi_mo the month name the user requested Sep
pi_da the day number the user requested 15
pi_bl the entry the user requested to see weblogs/tools/pyblosxom
pyblosxom_version the version number and release date of the pyblosxom version you're using 1.2 3/25/2005

Template Variables Only Available in the story Template

These template variables are only available in your story template.

Table - Variables in the story template

variable name description example
title title of the entry First Post!
filename template file name and path of the entry /home/subtle/blosxom/weblogs/tools/pyblosxom/index.txt
file_path just the filename and extensions of the entry index.txt
fn just the filename (no extension) index
absolute_path the category/path of the entry weblogs/tools/pyblosxom
body the text of the entry first post!
tb_id the trackback id of the entry _index
path the category/path of the entry weblogs/tools/pyblosxom
yr the four digit year of the mtime of this entry 2004
mo the month abbreviation of the mtime of this entry Jan
mo_num the month number of the mtime of this entry 01
ti the hour and minute of the mtime of this entry 16:40
date the date string of the mtime of this entry Sun, 23 May 2004
w3cdate the date in w3cdate format 2005-11-13T17:50:02Z
rfc822date the date in RFC 822 format Sun, 13 Nov 2005 17:50 GMT
fulltime the date in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format 20040523164000
timetuple the time tuple (year, month, month-day, hour, minute, second, week-day, year-day, isdst) (2004, 5, 23, 16, 40, 0, 6, 144, 1)
mtime seconds since the epoch 1085348400.0
dw the day of the week Sunday
da the day of the month 23

Template Variables From Plugins

Additionally, many plugins will create additional variables. Refer to the plugin's documentation for what variables it creates, where the variables are available, and what the variables do.

[23:38] | [] | #-permalink-#